
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meeting UMT delegates @ Malaysia Hall - Year 2 Week 46

oh.. only saw 3/4 of my face..but who cares!?

Salam and hi all.. I was so happy to meet everybody at Malaysia Hall last week.. it was like i've known them for ages, but i'd only met them yesterday! probably the ties between us (working under the same roof made us eager to know everybody!) :))
there were familiar faces and people that i've known before i came to the UK and some that i've met while FBing and BLOGging.. there were also newcomers whom had just arrived for their study.. welcome aboard guys! :)

the event started at 12 noon with lunch for an hour.. lauk semua ala2 masakan terengganu, after lunch we went for Dzuhr prayer next door.. and later the meeting began at 2pm. The meeting started with doa recital and later followed by greeting speech from the Director of MSD, Prof. Madya Dr. Rosman Abdullah. Based from what i can conclude from his speech was the main factor that contribute the issues of Malaysia PhD scholars in the UK-Eire was the family matters; either they couldn't balanced their family and study life or too busy on one side compared to another..and as the student representative in the UK, he and his team welcomes any students who have issues with their supervisor or anything with regards to their study matters. He added that most students came to address their problems once they were already in critical stage to solve, therefore he advised all of us to come as sooner as we can once we  could detect something is not right somewhere along the study process..

next was Prof. Aziz's (VC of UMT) turn to give his speech and he has came out with several facts about the number of successful PhD scholars in a yearly basis ever since 2007 and not to mentioned,  number of failed scholars which i could say a shock fact really..never expect that it could turn out that way.. but girl, you have to admit it, in reality, things happen in between and do not always go as we planned..  well.whatever it is, to avoid any troubles, i will definitely work even harder (and smarter!) and pray to Allah for His blessings so that all  my work will pay off at the end of the day..

after two speeches, we went for an ice-breaking session and after introducing ourselves, we have to inform the delegates about our current status; sort of what stage we are dealing now, either writing or in ongoing experiment and the plans in the near future. we were also asked by the VC if there are any issues with supervisor or anyone and so far i don't have any.. phew! but there were students have bravely stand up and share their problems with us and i could say that i am fortunate enough not to have big problems like them..Alhamdulillah.. mudah-mudahan study saya ni berjalan lancar.Amin! 

The meeting ended at 5pm and lepas bersalaman dengan everybody, i was getting ready to go back to Egham. but before that, singgah dekat kantin Malaysia Hall beli makanan panas untuk suami tersayang.. :) well, that was it.. overall i am so happy that our VC and other UMT delegates have made an effort to come here to talk, advise and motivate us.. it definitely shows that you care about us.. :)

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